Your website exists to promote and develop your business and build connections with people. These connections can be prospective customers, existing customers, referral sources, other businesses, online communities, and any other visitors that surf your website.

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you may never have imagined.
However, if you pull up your site’s analytics and see that it is getting zero visits, it is natural to feel disappointed and disheartened. This means all those hours polishing up your website, all those dollars spent to make it look attractive, and all that dedication you have put into it have gone to waste.
But all is not lost if you put your mind to rejuvenating your website. There are a lot of people who want to visit your website. These people are online, surfing from one website to another, looking for your services or products. The problem you need to address is not the lack of people but the absence of a path they can follow to your website.
Six Reasons Why No One Is Visiting Your Website
As mentioned above, if you notice a lack of traffic on your site even after spending hundreds of dollars and countless hours on it, the problem may be that people just can’t locate your website. Here are several reasons why your website is not getting the traffic it should:
1. Your Website Lacks Value to Be Shared
If your website is bare without any form of content, there is no reason for people to click on your site besides for your products or services. Creating content produces relevance, creates engagement, and increases the number of pages a search engine can index on your website to build your SEO, hence making it visible so that it can attract traffic.
2. Your Website’s Design Is Unprofessional
It is not an uncommon fact that people judge a book by its cover. No matter how stellar your products or services are, if your website is unattractive or looks unprofessional, no one is likely to put their trust in your brand and buy your products or services. Also, a lack of design promotes high bounce rates, low traffic, and vice versa.
3. You Don’t Have a Presence On Social Media as A Business
Social media marketing platforms are giant hives of traffic waiting to be directed to your website. If you don’t have a presence on the most prominent social platforms, you are missing out on those traffic numbers, which is why your website looks so barren.
4. You Don’t Have Backlinks On Your Website
If you have shied away from the prospect of backlinks simply because you think it’s too complicated, you have your reason for low traffic right before you. Backlinks are trajectory lines that direct traffic from one website to your website. A lack of backlinks on your site can damage its ranking and visibility, and essentially bring damage to our online business.
5. Your Website Takes Ages to Load Properly
Research shows that most people will wait for a total of seven seconds or less for a website to load before they click off. If your website is glitchy or takes forever to load, you are likely turning away prospective customers and increasing your bounce rates.
6. Your Website Isn’t Mobile-Optimized
Gone are the days when people had to power up their computers to visit a website. Now, they use their phones for that. If your website lacks mobile-optimization features, Google is likely to rank it low, which lowers your visibility and brings down your traffic rate.
Six Effective Solutions to Increase Traffic To Your Website
If you want to increase your traffic with paid and organic ways, here are six effective solutions you can follow to acquire positive results:
1. Do Proper Keyword Research
Doing proper research and including relevant keywords in your content can help search engines index your site for better visibility and traffic. It’s important to note that keywords should be used “naturally” and appear relevant to the topic you are writing about.
Be sure to include keywords throughout the body of your content, URL, page title, meta descriptions, headers, etc. You can use tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush to conduct keyword research with analysis.
2. Create and Post Content Consistently
Creating content that is useful, engaging, and relevant and posting it in a consistent manner is essential to getting traffic to your website. People go on Google to find the answer to their query, and your content along with your website should be there to provide answers to the queries relevant to you.
Posting 13-16 posts monthly can help increase your traffic rates by 3.5%. You should post to make your customers care about your brand which can increase your visibility and can help prospective customers to seek out your website for queries related to your field.
3. Get A Professional Website Layout
Instead of creating a website that contains pop-ups that appear every two seconds and distracting adverts about your products or services littered across your pages haphazardly, try getting a professional to design the layout of your website that speaks to your image as a brand.
People are more likely to be attracted to a website that looks put-together, is free of any pop-up ads, has neutral or simple tones, and is interactive. Tweaking the design of your website is likely to bring traffic to it if done professionally.
4. Maintain Active Social Media Pages
Social media plays an important role in attracting visitors. Building your social media presence is vital to directing traffic to your website. You can do this by keeping active social media pages. Here are some ways you can achieve this:
- Use your social media accounts to post content (blogs, ebooks, white papers, infographics, videos, etc.)
- Reply to followers, repost their content, and tag them
- Put relevant hashtags in your posts
- When you publish new content, update your bio with the link
- Promote new content by changing the cover photo
- Consider tagging influencers who may be interested in your products or services
- Encourage people to click on links by including enticing information in the content
- Answer people’s questions with links to your content
5. Run Paid Advertising Campaigns
You can run PPC advertising campaigns on paid search ads, social media, and display ads to attract traffic to your website. Customize these campaigns to meet your business objectives. You can also create multiple campaigns designed to meet their individual goal. While organic marketing may take some time in bringing traffic to your site, with paid advertising, the results are often faster if your campaign has well-developed targeting groups and keywords.
6. Exchange Backlinks with Other Websites
There are many opportunities for backlink exchanges since many businesses are trying to increase site traffic. You can reach out to relevant sites and share your content as an additional resource for their posts. You can also add an extra incentive by offering a reciprocal backlink exchange, offering to add one of their links to your post.
Being Strategic and Diligent Can Yield Results
In the end, promoting who you are and what you do takes time and consistent marketing. There is no shortcut you can use or buy that will magically increase your traffic rates overnight. Low traffic rates are red flags for your online business. But learning the reasons behind them and how you can fix them can help you raise awareness about your brand, build a loyal customer base, and mark your position as an established online business.